The SynesgyWAY framework has been created to evaluate the impact of corporations, banks, and insurance companies on the environment, society, and governance. The platform enables convenient, direct, and worldwide accessibility while ensuring compliance with local regulations and requirements.

The objective is to customize the survey according to the country's specific regulatory and business standards that the company is associated with.




ESG Framework

Core Questions

Industry Specific Questions

CRIF Rating Agency

Quality checks

Local Regulation

Local Business Information

Legal & Privacy Validation

Data Quality by Analyst’s Team

Support &

Customer support
for suppliers

Customer Support for
Head of Supply Chain







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Synesgy's success is attributed to the use of dedicated questionnaires that are developed based on thorough research of global ESG market regulations such as UNGC, GRI, UN 17 SDGs, EBA LOM, and EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities. These questionnaires follow a two-tiered approach, with a core version based on the GRI and focusing on ESG principles related to the Business and Environment aspects. A second, industry-specific section is included based on the company's sector.

The Synesgy questionnaire is certified by the CRIF Rating Agency (CRA), which is recognized at the European level.


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Assessment and development plan

The Synesgy final evaluation generates a score and certificate for the participant to download, allowing them to assess their sustainability, accountability, and transparency performance.

The ESG performance is evaluated through a comprehensive score, which is further divided into the five main sections covered in the questionnaire.

The Synesgy action plan is also made available to the company, outlining the areas that need improvement to enhance their sustainability level.



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Support and consultancy

Synesgy offers customer care and consultancy services in all the countries where it operates, in order to provide continuous support. The customer care services are designed to assist clients throughout the entire process, from comprehending the ESG principles to completing the questionnaire and receiving the certification.


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Alert system

To ensure the quality of data and responses, both automatic and manual checks are implemented.
The platform is set up on an Alert system that, based on the CRIF information assets, performs an automatic check on the appropriateness and consistency of what is reported in the questionnaire.

If the Alert system detects inconsistencies, the compiler is asked for supporting documentation to confirm the answers in the questionnaire.
Inconsistencies are handled by a team of experienced analysts who check the documentation and, if necessary, contact the compiler directly.

Contact us for more information

Get your ESG Score!

CRIF Ratings, an authorized credit rating agency, has created the Synesgy score model, which enables a convenient way to view the scores obtained by businesses in five key areas of assessment: Business, Environment, Social, Governance, and Sector.

These areas are consolidated into an "overall" score, which provides a comprehensive evaluation of the company. Additionally, for companies seeking to evaluate their supply chain, Synesgy offers ESG performance dashboards that display and analyze the scores achieved by their suppliers across the various areas.



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After completing the questionnaire, the Synesgy score can be obtained and a certificate can be downloaded from the digital platform. This certificate can be shared on websites and with the supply chain. The certificate is valid for 12 months, after which a new assessment may be required.

Along with the certificate, a Synesgy Report is also issued. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the individual Environmental, Social, and Governance factors, as well as industry-specific sections that contribute to the ESG score and ranking.